Identity Crisis

…Identity Crisis…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:11&12

Personally, I believe that many believers are performing far below their spiritual capacity. Many things are responsible for this, but top on the list is Identity Crisis. How do I mean? Many of us don’t know WHO we are and WHOM we have. This ignorance has deadly consequences.

Moses had just witnessed a supernatural event, and there He was having a conversation with God. Yet, when God commissioned him to go set free the Israelites, the first question He asked was WHO AM I? But notice that God didn’t directly answer that question. Rather He said…”I will certainly be with you”vs. 12. Moses said…”Who Am I”, God responded…”You Have Me”. What is God saying here? God wanted Moses to understand that his worth is determined by His (God’s) worth. It is divine presence that defines who a man is.

It gets even better. Now, God isn’t just WITH us, He is IN us. When a woman is carrying a fetus in her womb, her name changes from “woman” to “pregnant woman”. Her status changes because of the fetus she is carrying inside of her. So is everyone who is carrying God in him; the God in you is what defines your status and identity. Stop looking down on yourself and stop giving “blind” people the permission to look down on you. You are not to be looked down on, you are to be looked up to.

Wake up to the reality of your divine identity. When you walk in this consciousness, you’ll understand that anything that dares you is only waiting for its death certificate. You walk with “Godfidence” and take your stand before every Pharaoh.

Wake up, friend, wake up. You are much more than you think you are. WHOM you have is what determines WHO you are.

Thought For The Day: The ignorance of divine identity is the cause of spiritual infertility.

Work Point: Settle down with God’s Word and see who God says you are. See Ps. 82:6, Col. 1:27

Have A Blessed Day.

Not Forgotten; Not Forsaken

…Not Forgotten; Not Forsaken…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:7

Do you remember this song…”Jesus knows all about our struggles, He will guide till the day is gone, there is not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one. No, not one”. I learned this song when I was in secondary school and it has not stopped ministering to my spirit. Some of us have gotten to that point (by His Grace) where NOTHING can take us off this Kingdom path. We not only know that we serve a God who CAN and WILL do ALL things for us, we serve a God who relates to our pains. This is how the writer of Hebrews put it…”We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin” Hebrews 4:15 (The Message)

See what God told Moses…” I have surely SEEN the oppression of MY people…and have HEARD their cry…for I KNOW their sorrows”. This is so amazing. We serve a God who SEES, HEARS, and KNOWS all that we are going through. So friend, you are not alone. There is a God who is not out of touch with what you are going through. You are not forgotten. You are not forsaken. How can He forget you when He says…” See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands” Isaiah 49:16

Everyone else may have tossed you aside, but He will always have your back. Just trust Him!!!

Thought For The Day: God will either still your storm or still you in the storm

Work Point: Appreciate Him because He is always there for you and with you. Meditate on Hebrews 4:15&16

Happy New Week.



Howdy Pal.

How is your sunday going? Mine is going great, I still have quite a handful to do though so I’ll just make this snappy.

First, I like to begin by welcoming new recruits into the school of MADness that was advertised last week. I hope that you’ll enjoy your stay in the school and that you’ll never graduate. And if you are still at loss at to what MADness means…

I was praying in the morning few days ago, and a thought just dropped in my spirit. I quickly grabbed my pen and my notepad and wrote it down. It says…”Do not look for a perfect person to love, the value of love is better revealed where there is imperfection”. I spent some minutes chewing on that thought.

So many of us are looking for perfect people to love, and that is a cardinal reason many people have refused to commit themselves to a marital relationship, even though they are ripe for it. Are you ready to hear this? Where there is no flaw, love is not needed. Read that again and think on it before you proceed.

Do you know why I love God so much? Because He loved me when I was far from being perfect. He loved me when I was flaw-full. Even now, with my once-in-a-while slips, He loves me still. Tell me, why wouldn’t I love Him? I remember telling God that, I don’t want a perfect lady; I wanted a believer with a teachable heart. You know why? Because wherever a teachable heart is, growth is elastic…and God answered my prayer!!!

That’s my lil nugget for you today. Stop looking for perfection, find imperfection, invest in it, and watch it grow into perfection.

That’s what true love is all about!! The most powerful force that can enforce change is love. If you find a believer who has a teachable heart and God okays him/her, my dear, don’t dull oooo. Every other thing will fall into place.

Thanks for your time.

Yours’ Brotherly,

The Alternative-Less Life

…The Alternative-Less Life…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:5

We often make the mistake of thinking that it is possible for us to help God to do what He says He will do for us. We try to put one foot in God and put the other foot outside “in case” God does not deliver. This kind of mindset is what deprives many believers the privilege of living in and daily enjoying the Supernatural acts of God in their lives. Until trust in God is absolute, it does not attract divine attention. Until you are foolish enough to put all your eggs in His basket, you may end up with no egg at all at the end of the day.

God told Moses…”Take off your sandals, for the place where you stand is a holy ground”. The reason we put on sandals is to protect our feet from hurt. We could say that, sandal is man’s idea of keeping his feet safe. But when Moses got to a holy ground, God demanded that he took off his sandals. Why? Because in that place, he doesn’t need “man’s” protection. The ground of that place is void of any hurt, hence his feet are safe.

What God told Moses is what He tells us also. He tells us to abandon alternatives and cling only to Him. He tells us to take off anything we have devised for ourselves for our “protection”, because the ground on which we stand is immune to danger. But many are ignorant of this. They come to church to pray but there is charm tied to their waist. They drink the Holy Communion and drink the herbalist’s prepared potion. They pray to God for academic success and still engage in examination malpractices. It doesn’t work that way. All you need is on that holy ground but your sandal is the barrier. God wants your bare feet on that ground. He wants you to trust only in Him for that answer.

The ball is in your court.

Be wise friend, be wise.

Thought For The Day: Heaven helps ONLY those who CANNOT help themselves.

Work Point: Get rid of every alternative today and choose to depend SOLELY on God for that answer.

Remain Blessed.

Take Off Your Sandals

…Take Off Your Sandal…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:5

The truth about this christian journey is that, the deeper we walk, the higher the cost. Many of us are unwilling to reconcile with this truth, hence we desire a deeper level of relationship with God yet we are unwilling to pay the cost. There are certain things I used to so enjoy doing many years ago that were not sinful, but I had to willingly let go of those things because I wanted to create more time and more room for God in my life. Even now, I know that, to enter into a deeper level of relationship with God, there are certain things I am doing now that I still have to let go of. The deeper we walk, the higher the cost —- that’s the underlying principle.

When Moses attempted to draw closer to the burning bush, God told him…”Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground”. For Moses to draw nearer and commune with God, it was necessary for him to take off his sandals, and he did this without hesitation.

I tell people, if your walk with God has not cost you something tangible, it is hardly genuine. There is always a price to pay. God definitely wanted Moses to draw near, but for that to happen he had to let go of his sandals. Moses had to prove his desire to move closer to God by pulling off his sandals.

Do you crave for a deeper level of relationship with God? Then there is a “sandal” you must take off your feet. That sandal could be a habit, a friend, a relationship, a job, etc. Whatever that is hindering you from making progress in your spiritual walk needs to be taken off.

Count the cost my dear…and pay it!!

Thought For The Day: The Kingdom will first cost you before it pays you.

Work Point: what is that “sandal” that you need to take off? There is no better time than now to take it off.

Enjoy His Blessings.

Lord, Here I Am

…Lord, Here I Am…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:4

In his book, Go In This Thy Might, Dr. Paul Enenche says, men are God’s method of getting things done, and I absolutely agree with him. Whenever God wants to save a people, He looks for individuals to send to effect that deliverance. The challenge however is, we are often too preoccupied with our own plans and agenda that we refuse to surrender ourselves for God to work through.

Even though God wanted to deliver the Israelites from slavery, He needed someone to work through. Moses was busy doing his own business when God called him, but when that Voice came, He was wise to say…”Here, I am”. That response redefined Moses’ story. He began a new journey in destiny, walking God’s laid out path for Him, and through him, God wrought great works that the world is still celebrating till tomorrow.

What is your response to God’s call? Have you not chosen to tend your sheep rather than attend to His Business? Is your response not, “God, I am busy for now. Call back later?” Your response to that call is crucial to your destiny; the longer you refuse to heed it, the longer you will remain stagnated. The good thing is, heeding that call only sets you up for unstoppable progress. Moses heeded that voice at age 80, and the last 40 years of his life far surpassed the previous 80 years in all ramifications.

Friend, heed that call. Whatever it is God has been talking to you about, obey it!! There is a blessing in every divine voice. Trust Him, you can’t move with God and sink in life. Make yourself a slave to the obedience of His Voice. Make yourself available. Surrender yourself and let Him work through you. With Him, your best years are still ahead.

Thought For The Day: Without God, we can’t. Without us, He won’t.

Work Point: What voice have you been refusing to heed? Think about it. It pays to obey.

Stay Blessed.

Positioning To Hear

…Positioning To Hear…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:4

Before now, I used to believe that hearing from God is reserved only for ministers. I grew up to believe that only pastors could hear from God. But as I began to mature in Christ, the opposite proved to be the truth. Communicating with God became very cheap to me. I could talk to Him as if He was there physically and He always answered. I had been wrong after all. Every believer CAN hear from God; if you are not hearing from God, the problem is not with God’s Voice, it is with your ears.

Consider Moses. Until Moses positioned himself, he couldn’t hear the God of the burning bush. The Scripture says…”So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.” Until Moses turned aside to look, his ear wasn’t positioned to hear.

You are just a divine voice away from the biggest breakthrough of your life, but the question is, are you listening? Are you positioned to hear from Him? Have you turned aside to focus on Him? There are certain things about your destiny God will not reveal to none else but you. Stop going for crumbs when you can have it whole.

How do you position yourself?
Build your spirit. The healthier your spirit is, the more connected you are to His Voice.

Spend time with the Word. Often, God uses His Word to offer direction and lead us.

Create time to communicate with Him. I am yet to see anyone who set out time to talk to God concerning a matter that He didn’t answer.

God is always speaking. It is up to you to tune your ears to the frequency of His Voice.

Thought For The Day: God does not have a speaking problem; if you are ready to listen, He is ready to speak.

Work Point: Create time, just you and God, and talk to Him. He’ll speak to you and direct you.

Remain Blessed.

It Is Time To Turn

…It Is Time To Turn…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:3&4

Supernatural acts are the trademark of the Kingdom. God always delights in doing for us what others deem to be impossible. But, behind these supernatural acts is God’s intent. God does not perform these wonders just because He wants to excite us, there is something He is out to achieve. Sadly, many of us just get excited, clap and make Holy Ghost noises, and refuse to do the very thing God wants us to do. What is that? God wants us to TURN to Him!!

When Moses saw the wonder God organized in the wilderness, he didn’t just stay afar off exclaiming and applauding. He said…”I will now TURN…” God’s intention was for Moses to turn from all and focus on Him, and that was exactly what he did. Until Moses turned, God didn’t say a word. The Scripture says…”So when the Lord SAW THAT HE TURNED…God called to him”

Friend, my question to you today is, have you turned yet to the Lord? You return from church every sunday telling everyone how on fire your pastor was, yet no trace of that word you heard is seen in your life. My dear, God isn’t an entertainer, and church is definitely not a club house. If all you get out of church is excitement then you need to examine yourself, or examine that church. If change is not produced then God hasn’t been introduced. God desires to see you turn to Him; He wants your attention and commitment.

It is time to turn. Don’t remain bound in the shackles of religion. Move closer to Him. Seek to know Him more. Spend more time with Him. Don’t just stay afar off observing the “burning bush”, turn and move closer to it. A voice is waiting for you; until you turn, you won’t hear it!!

Thought For The Day: God sends His Word, not just to excite us, but to effect change in us.

Work Point: Surrender your all to Him today. Decide by the Help of the Spirit to draw closer to God.

Happy New Week.



Hey…Are You MAD?

What’s that look on your face? I’m not talking to your phone, I’m talking to you…Yes, YOU!!

Are you sure you are not MAD? Because you look like people I know in town who are seriously MAD!!

Now, what are you thinking? Did you just look at my display name to be sure it is actually me? Oh, Yes, it is me. No one is impersonating me!!

Seriously, the best thing you can be in life is to be MAD. I am MAD, in fact, I am one of the MADdest persons in this world, and I don’t want a cure; I love it that way!!

What does it mean to be MAD?

To be MAD means to be Making A Difference.

Oh, I got you there. Didn’t I?

So I ask you again, Are You MAD?

If you are not MAD, you better enroll in the school because the top is only for people who are MAD.

Think about it. In what ways can you deploy your intelligence, mental prowess, skills, resources and potentials to Make A Difference in your world?
Don’t wait till “something” finds you, find it!! There is something inside you that your world needs to experience change; not deploying it is the reason your world is still in a fix.

MADness isn’t as difficult and tasking as many take it to be. Instead of sending silly jokes as BC, you could send something edifying. If you can’t write one, Re-BC one. Use edifying DPs and PMs. Post edifying words on twitter and facebook. I have been privileged to lead someone to Christ before just because of a tweet…JUST ONE!! I tweeted, he read it, the Holy Spirit convicted him and he messaged me, asking that I tell him about Jesus. Just like that!!

How many people are grateful to God that your mother didn’t have an abortion or a miscarriage when she was carrying you?

How many people pray to God everyday to keep you alive and safe?

How many people does your breath minister life to?

Think on these things.

Be relevant. Be useful. Be impactful.

It Pays To Be MAD.

Yours In The School Of MADness,

Refuse To Be Consumed

…Refuse To Be Consumed…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:2

The devil desires to see no one joyful and happy, he wants men to dwell permanently in depression, despair, and sorrow. Unfortunately for him, we determine if he will ever have that pleasure. The devil may bring unpleasant circumstances your way, but he has no power to control your response to those circumstances; that power is absolutely yours.

We all know the miracle Moses saw at Horeb: the bush was burning but it was not consumed. It was on fire, but that fire couldn’t harm it. It didn’t succumb to the power of the fire. Fire comes to consume, but this bush couldn’t be consumed. Is there any lesson for us to glean here? I believe there is. No matter the fire that may be attempting to consume you, refuse to succumb to it. Refuse to be consumed. Refuse to be swept off your feet. My mum went to be with the Lord four years ago, two days to christmas. It was such a tragic moment for me because she was my best friend. The next day, when sympathizers came around, they met me on the dining table, drinking pap. I was cracking jokes and livening everyone who was moody around me. I ended up consoling those who came to console me. I told the devil, “I will never allow you to steal my joy”. I was on fire, but I refused to be consumed by it.

Friend, choose to stand!! Live to disappoint the devil. No matter what you may be going through, someone, somewhere is going through worse. Don’t let people read your situation on your face. Be glad and joyful. Be so un-consumed that when you begin to share the testimony of what you’ve been through, they would find it unbelievable!!

Receive strength “on your knees” and remain standing on your feet. You will outlast every fire!!

Thought For The Day: Tough times never last but tough people do…Dr. Robert Schuller

Work Point: Let today be the day you decide never again to let your response to situations excite and gladden the devil.

Have A Great Weekend.