Yes, You Can!

…Yes, You Can…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 4:10-12

Any assignment God gives is always bigger than the sent. If God were to give you an assignment that your natural strength can handle, would you need God? Because God wants to ensure that we are always dependent on Him, He gives us tasks that we are unable in ourselves to do, so that by leaning on Him, we can receive the Strength needed to get the job done.

No doubt, the assignment before Moses was a very huge one. God took His time to show him diverse signs as proofs that he has Supernatural backup. But after all, Moses’ feeling of inadequacy overwhelmed him. He took his eyes off God and focused more on his own abilities, and since those were nothing, he concluded that God had chosen the wrong person for the job. He told God to send someone else.

God never chooses the wrong person for His job. If He has chosen you to accomplish a task, no matter how inadequate you may feel you are, you are the right person for the job. Every excuse you are tendering isn’t strange to God’s sight; He saw all those inabilities before choosing you. Knowing that you are not naturally able should propel you to lean permanently on Him for the flow of Grace and Strength, rather than make you excuse yourself from divine arrangement.

God knows that you can’t, that’s why He chose you. If you will let Him flow through you, you will manifest such supernatural ability that will not only cause people to wonder but make you marvel at yourself as well. Forget about what you can’t do, and focus on what God can and will do through you.

Greater is He that is at work in you…

Thought For The Day: God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

Work Point: Pray that God will infuse you with Divine Strength and Grace to do what He has tasked you to do.

Happy New Week.

The Rod And His Presence

…The Rod And His Presence…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 4:1-3

Some of us have no idea what God has deposited in us. While God has ordained us to reign as kings, we walk around like men to be pitied. I was once like that at a time. But the moment I stepped into the Presence of God and remained there, there was a stirring, and every snoring potential and treasure in me jacked back to life. There is something about God’s Presence that brings out the supernatural in the natural.

In Exodus 3:5, you’d recall that God told Moses to take his sandals off his feet because he was standing on a holy ground. The event recorded in Exodus 4 didn’t take place in another location, Moses was still on that holy ground. When Moses cast down his rod and it made contact with that holy ground, there was a stirring in the rod. The supernatural in the rod was quickened. The true potential of the rod manifested itself. Moses had been using the rod as a tool of instruction and direction (for his sheep), but he never knew that it had the potential to execute judgment. The power in the rod remained dormant until it made contact with the holy ground.

Truth is, there are far too many people who are under-maximising destiny. You ask why? Because they have distanced themselves from God’s Presence. What is inside them is yet to make contact with the quickening power of the Most High. They go to church, but they are not in touch with the Head of the church.

Friend, there is something inside you that needs to be quickened. There is something inside you that needs to be stirred, but until you settle down in His Presence, it will remain dormant. Don’t be a once-in-a-while visitor, settle down there!! Nothing can remain asleep in His Presence.

Thought For The Day: Man’s essence can only be quickened by God’s Presence.

Work Point: If you know the song…”Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord”, sing it. Commit yourself to settling in His Presence

Happy Weekend.

The Rod And The Serpent

…The Rod And The Serpent…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 4:3

I always trust the judgment of the Holy Spirit concerning anything that concerns my life. Whenever He says “stop”, even if I see no reason why I should stop, I obey Him. Eventually, the reason becomes obvious. Most people end up biting their fingers in regret because at a time, they refused to heed the instruction of the Holy Spirit concerning an issue. The best time to obey Him is when He doesn’t make sense.

Moses had carried a rod for years and he so treasured it because it was useful for shepherding his flock. He saw no disadvantage in that rod. But when God told him to cast it down, that rod turned to a serpent. Moses was carrying a serpent in his hands for years and he didn’t know. Until he cast it down, he couldn’t see the serpent in the rod in his hands!!

Often times, God asks us to also cast down our rods but because we think “it is just a rod”, we are reluctant to obey. If God opens your eyes now to see the serpent in the rod He is telling you to cast down, you’ll promptly flee like Moses did. Friend, what is that rod God is telling you to cast down? If God is insisting that you drop it, then it is not a rod, it is a serpent. Throw it away like you would a serpent. Many people are experiencing “hold up” in life because they are holding on to what God has instructed them to cast down.

Don’t try to be smarter than God. God sees what you cannot see, and any instruction He gives you is to your own advantage. Yes, letting it go may be painful, but the pain would never be able to stand the immeasurable gain that will eventually attend to you.

Be Wise.

Thought For The Day: Until certain things leave you, certain blessings can’t cleave to you.

Work Point: What is that rod that God is telling you to cast down? Don’t delay the obedience any further. Cast it down today.

Have A Blessed Day.

The Power Of Favour

…The Power Of Favour…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:21

Yesterday, we saw that God went the extra mile in answering the prayers of the Israelites. They prayed for deliverance, and God not only delivered them, He gave them favour in the sight of the Egyptians. Today, we are looking at what that favour did for them.

God told Moses…”I will give this people favour…and you shall not go empty-handed”. Favour is God’s answer to emptiness. The Israelites had served and toiled for years, yet their lives were empty. They had nothing to show forth as proof of their years of labour. It is like emptying an ocean into a basket —- great input, but no result. God’s strategy for fighting that emptiness was favour. Favour secured their pending results for them in a day. Their lives that had hitherto experienced emptiness suddenly experienced overflowing abundance.

When favour is at work, results exceed input. Hear David…”For they did not gain possession of the land by their sword, not did their own arm save them; but it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your countenance, BECAUSE YOU FAVOURED THEM” Psalm 44:3. Did you see that? Because of the interplay of favour, they commanded results that were far beyond their level of strength.

This Favour is locating you today. Wherever you have sowed, bountiful harvest will attend to you. Results that exceedingly surpass your input will become your everyday experience. Wherever you are experiencing emptiness, the overflowing abundance of the Almighty will embarrass you. The light of God’s countenance will permanently shine on you. The undefeatable Arm of God will place you above every limitation.

Are you saying AMEN?

Thought For The Day: Favour pays in multiple folds, what labour is unable to pay.

Work Point: Pray with Psalm 44:3. Declare the Favour of God upon your life.

Remain Favoured.

The MORE Dimension

…The MORE Dimension…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:21

God is always the extra-mile-going God. God doesn’t just do what is enough, He goes ahead to do what is more than enough. Jesus could have just provided food that was sufficient for the over 5,000 people that came to listen to Him teach, but He ensured that there were 12 full baskets as left overs to prove that He is truly able, as Apostle Paul puts it…”To do exceedingly, above all that we could ever ask or think…”Eph. 3:20

God could have just stopped at setting the Israelites free from Egyptian bondage, but He decided to do even more. He decided to give them favour. Understand that, the Israelites did not cry to God for favour, they only requested for deliverance but God decided to go beyond their request; He gave them the favour they didn’t ask for.

There is one thing you have been asking God for, and to you, it is more than enough. But permit me to inform you, God will do much more than you are asking for. When you plant a seed, the fruits you get is not commensurate to the seed planted. A seed could give you a fruit with dozens of seeds in it. That is the dimension of answers God is bringing your way.

What’s more, God owes no man. He is an arrears-paying God. In God’s plan, the Israelites were to spend 400years in slavery. But because they had now spent 430years, God decided to compensate the delay, hence the delivery of favour package in addition to the promised deliverance. What does this tell you? Is there an answer that has delayed to appear? Is there a result that has tarried to manifest? Listen to me, it is coming with arrears. When it appears, and that is soon enough, it will come with unexpected bonuses and extra payments.

Relax and trust God. When He is in control, nothing can ever be out of control.

Thought For The Day: If it is coming late, it is coming bigger.

Work Point: Meditate on Habakkuk 2:3.

Remain Ever Blessed

Speak The Word

…Speak The Word…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:16-18

The unchanging truth about every word that proceeds from God is that it will always bring life. The Scripture says…”Man shall…LIVE…by every WORD that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord” Deut. 8:3. But, until the Word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord is declared with the mouth of men, the life in it cannot be released. The Word of God in your mouth is as powerful as it is in God’s mouth. When God speaks, everything hears; whenever you speak His Word, everything must hear you.

Moses was afraid that the people of Israel may not listen to him, and he was right, they really would not have listened to him. But God put a Word in his mouth and made him understand that if he declares that Word they will hearken to his voice (vs.18). In other words, with that Word in his mouth, the Israelites had no option but to listen to him. That Word carried a power that compelled the obedience of everyone and everything it came in contact with.

Every time we declare God’s Word, we activate a power that nothing can refuse. If the word of an earthly king carries weight in the mouth of his servants, how much more the Word of the Heavenly King in the mouth of His children!!

Speak the Word friend, and that situation will hearken to you. I don’t declare the Word wondering if it will work or not, because it is not my word. The One who is called The Word said He is watching over His Word to perform it. Mine is to declare, His’ is to perform. You need to imbibe the same attitude towards the Word. Declare it and leave it to God to confirm!! I can tell you, the Word NEVER fails to work. If you declare it in faith, God is committed to performing it.

Thought For The Day: The Word you speak, is what angels will pick, and God will fix…Dr. David Abioye.

Work Point: Declare today into your life. Declare the Word and it shall come to pass.

Remain In The Word.

Are You In The Right Company?

…Are You In The Right Company?…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:15&16

Whenever the devil wants to truncate a man’s destiny, what he does is to plant the wrong people in his life. Man’s ascent or descent in life is largely a function of the company he keeps. No seed, no matter how viable, will be able to survive in the company of thorns.

After God had addressed Moses’ identity problem and clarified his ignorance as to who He (God) is, He instructed him to take a step. He said…”Go and gather the elders of Israel together, and say to them…I have surely visited you…”vs. 16. After God gave Moses the assignment to deliver the Israelites from slavery, He instructed him to share the assignment with the elders of Israel and they were all to approach Pharaoh (vs. 18). His assignment was to deliver Israel, their assignment was to aid him in fulfilling that assignment.

So many people are failing in destiny because they have positioned themselves in the wrong company. When a man is with the wrong people, he puts himself outside the reach of divine help. Even though God so loved and had great plans for Samson, as long as he pitched his tent with Phillistine women, God couldn’t help him. The Scripture mentions no profitable association in the life of Samson — none at all. He plucked himself out of the right company and planted himself amongst thorns, and it was only a matter of time before the thorns subdued him and made a mess out of him.

Friend, is your company profitable? Are those you are moving with adding profit to your destiny or are they eating your capital? Understand that, greatness flourishes only where its kind of environment is created. Don’t kill the greatness in you. Don’t suffocate the assignment in your hand to death. Be wise.

Thought For The Day: Your company determines what accompanies you…Dr. David Abioye.

Work Point: Reflect today. Are you in the right company? Take action steps and reposition yourself.

Have a Great Day.



Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:13&14

I really do not believe that the Christian walk is as complex and complicated as some people take it to be. Jesus stressed the need for us to receive the Kingdom of God as a little child because the life of a child is uncomplicated. He doesn’t worry about anything, he lives one day at a time, and he is quick to believe every simple promise you make to him. That is how God expects us to walk with Him.

I don’t know what Moses had in mind when He asked…”When I come to the children of Israel and say to them, the God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they say to me, What is His name? What shall I say to them?” He probably was expecting God to give him a huge, long, hard-to-understand name. But God simply said…”Thus shall you say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you”. Two simple words yet deep in meaning. Moses already referred to God as the “God of your fathers”, yet that seemed too simple for him to take to the children of Israel, but God is here saying…”You already called me God, that is who I AM”. If I have to expand that statement more, God was saying…”Moses, knowing that I AM God is enough. That simple knowledge is ALL you need to deliver the Israelites”.

Friend, there are times when you are expecting God to speak plenty grammar, but He just whispers “I AM” into your ears. That “I AM” is more than enough if you will only understand it. It means, I AM with you; I AM not leaving you; I AM going to see you through it; I AM your friend, etc.

What’s more, when God says “I AM”, He wants you to know that YOU CAN”. Because HE IS in you, YOU CAN do ALL THINGS!! It is a life of No Limits.

Thought For The Day: God is all that He is, so that you can be all that He has ordained you to be.

Work Point: Worship God for WHO HE IS today knowing that HE CAN and WILL do what you ask of Him.

God Bless You.

Lord, Who Are You?

…Lord, Who Are You?…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:13

Many of us claim to have God as our Father, yet we really do not know Him. We pray to Him, but we have no solid understanding of who He is and how He works. This is the reason many believers are falling prey to the antics of the enemy. He attempts to paint a picture of whom God is not to them and because they lack understanding, they buy into it. Consequently, they relate with God from a distance and seek not to become intimate with Him.

Every believer should seek to have a PERSONAL revelation of whom God is. We must pray to God to REVEAL Himself to us. Having a revelation of whom God is is so indispensable to the triumphant life God has ordained for the believer. Moses didn’t want to go and represent a God He did not know. Moses had seen what God can do; the burning bush was enough to convince Him that God is very powerful. Yet, he knew that he needed a personal revelation of the Person of God if he was going to be successful in life and ministry.

Friend, are you not building your life around someone else’s opinion of whom your Father is? Are you not allowing someone else’s perspective of God define yours? God wants to REVEAL Himself to you. He wants to give you a PERSONAL revelation of who He is. He doesn’t want you to continue to live on your Pastor’s version of whom He is, He wants to tell you.

Years ago, I caught a personal revelation of God as the Shepherd of my life. You have no idea how much that understanding has helped me in relating with Him. You can’t try to sell me an adulterated version of God, because I already have that personal revelation of who He is.

He’ll do the same for you. God does not know how to turn away from a genuine heart. All you need do is ask, and He’ll show Himself to you. Jer. 33:3

Thought For The Day: Where there is no understanding, there is always “under-living”.

Work Point: Ask God to reveal Himself to you. He definitely will.

Remain Blessed.

No Need To Fear

…No Need To Fear…

Ref. Scripture: Exodus 3:11&12

Fear is often the product of a consciousness of aloneness. When I was a kid, I remember that I was always afraid to sleep in the bedroom alone, I preferred to rather sleep on a couch in the company of others. I have often heard that the principal cure of fear is faith, and while I believe that faith is a potent cure, I am of the opinion that the principal cure is a consciousness of divine presence. The moment you are conscious of that truth that God is always with you, every atom of fear in you will go back to hell.

Obviously, Moses had been through a whole lot. He had spent the last 40years of his life tending the flock of his father-in-law. Everyone he used to identify with was cut-off from him; he felt so all alone. It wasn’t much wonder that he asked WHO AM I? when God sent him to Pharaoh. God saw that that fear stemmed from a consciousness of aloneness, hence He told him…”I will certainly be with you”. God wanted Moses to know that with Him, he had nothing to fear —- nothing, not even Pharaoh!!!

Are you also living in the bondage of fear? Is there a step you have been very scared to take? Do you feel so all alone? I’ve got good news for you this morning. God has asked me to tell you that He is with you. He is giving you that assurance. With Him, you are able to take possession of all that belongs to you. With Him, you can dare every Pharaoh and silence the “magicians”.

You need not be scared of nothing. You need not ask, Am I Able to do this?. Shall Strength walk with you and you be weak? Shall Power walk with you and you be feeble? Shall Wisdom walk with you and you be stranded? Never, God forbid!!!

With Him, there is no need to fear.

Thought For The Day: Wherever there is fear, progress becomes impossible.

Work Point: Walk from today with the consciousness of His Presence and refuse to allow anything make you afraid.

Enjoy His Presence